Ask Another Question

I’m a big fan of asking questions. I think they’re a great way to get to know people, but I also think they’re great tools to engage in deep conversation with people you already know. And I love me some deep conversations. But what I’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that asking one question isn’t enough. Usually, in my experience, it’s the second, third, and fourth questions that really allow you to dive in deep with someone. The follow-up questions are the ones that help you learn more about a person and discover what’s really going on in their mind and heart.

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A Case Of The Mondays

My opinion on Mondays changes from week to week. Some weeks, I really like Mondays. They’re a fresh start to a new week. They’re a chance to get organized and plan for all the tasks and events the next seven days hold. They’re a good excuse to have a second iced coffee without any self-judgment. Those kinds of Mondays are great. But sometimes, Mondays aren’t so great. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. Sometimes they come with mile long to-do lists, piled-up laundry, an empty fridge, and a jam-packed calendar staring you in the face, making you wonder how you’re going to have time to get everything taken care of.

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A Quick Fix For A Bad Day

In the midst of all of that, my best friend Melanie texted me to see how I was doing. And instead of giving her the normal answer of “Oh I’m doing pretty good!” I unloaded on her. I told her everything. And as I talked about all the stuff on my mind, I also explained that I was blasting worship music and trying to remember every Bible verse about trusting God and finding peace in Him and praying when my heart is heavy. In other words, I was doing whatever I knew to do to try to make things better as quickly as possible. But in true Melanie fashion, she responded with a mix of empathy and truth. And her reminder is one that I won’t soon forget. She said, " I know it’s so hard, but it’s okay that it’s not just a quick fix of remember what’s true and then voila it’s all good again!”

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Rain Is Necessary For The Harvest

It’s pouring rain today. We’re supposed to get heavy rain all week here in North Georgia according to my weather channel app. Usually I love the rain. Because I work from home, rainy days are cozy and chill, giving me an excuse to stay locked in my apartment all day long. But for some reason, this week, I find myself wishing the rain away.

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Hope Deferred

Do you ever get tired of hoping for something to happen or get impatient when you’re waiting for a prayer to be answered? Yeah, me too. Our key verse for today hits the nail on the head saying, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like your heart can stay sick for a really long time while that tree of life you’re waiting for doesn’t even seem to have sprouted yet.

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When You're Waiting For God To Open The Door

Today’s key Scripture passage is one of the most encouraging passages in the Bible, and also one of the most frustrating all at the same time. Let me explain. It’s encouraging when you’re waiting for something or asking God for something, because He is saying that eventually we will get an answer. If we’re praying according to His will, we will see our desires come to fruition. But this passage gets super frustrating when it seems like you’ve been asking for the same thing over and over with no apparent response, or when you’ve been knocking at a door that seems permanently locked.

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Keep Praying Anyway

I need to be honest with you about something…Prayer has been really tough for me over the past year. In a way, I feel ashamed to admit that because I feel like if I’m going to struggle with something, prayer shouldn’t be that thing. You’d think talking to God would always be one of the easiest things about being a Christian. And while a lot of times that’s true, there are also times when it’s super tough to pray.

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