Rain Is Necessary For The Harvest

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. (Psalm 126:5-6)

It’s pouring rain today. In fact, we’re supposed to get heavy rain all week here in North Georgia according to my weather channel app. Usually I love the rain. Because I work from home, rainy days are cozy and chill, giving me an excuse to stay locked in my apartment all day long. But for some reason, this week, I find myself wishing the rain away.

I’m so ready for fall. I’m ready for the leaves to change, the weather to be cold, the breeze to be crisp, and the sky to be that special shade of dark blue that only comes this time of year. And while I know I’m on the brink of experiencing all of those things, the rain this week makes it all feel very out of reach.

As I’m writing this devotion, the view outside my living room window is straight ahead. I can see the dreary haze, the cloudy skies, and the falling raindrops with complete clarity. And while everything in me is wishing this crappy weather would all go away, the Holy Spirit gently reminds me, “Kristen, rain is necessary for the harvest.”

Rain is necessary for the harvest.

I’ll admit I don’t know a ton about farming and gardening, but I do know that if plants are going to grow and crops are going to be produced, they have to be watered. Otherwise they dry up, they wilt, and they die. God knew that when He created this earth. He did that on purpose. And I firmly believe that’s one of the reasons He created rain.

We don’t like rainy seasons when it comes to our own lives, though, do we? We want the skies to be clear and the sun to be shining 24/7. We don’t want storms cancelling our plans. We don’t want harsh winds blowing everything out of whack. We don’t want rain washing away our dreams and expectations. No, we want the sky to forever be that special shade of blue, the leaves to remain multi-colored, and the breeze to always be brisk and refreshing.

But we know as human beings who live in a broken, fallen world — that’s just not possible. There is going to be rain. There are going to be storms. It’s all very unavoidable. But in the midst of the dreary, rainy seasons of life, what if we remembered that the rain was necessary?

What if we could trust that with rain comes growth? What if we believed that with rain comes the harvest? And what if we remembered that without rain, the plans, the dreams, and the expectations we’re desperately trying to keep alive might just dry up, wilt, and die?

Rain is necessary for the harvest. If we’re going to get to the season of harvest that God has planned for us, a lot of times we’ve got to walk through the rainy season first. I know that might be tough to hear. I know that you’d rather read a message about the joy and peace that comes with blue skies and sun. And I know that some days it feels like it’s never going to stop raining where you are. But friend, just like I can look out my window right now and know that this rain won’t stick around forever, I can tell you that you won’t be stuck in a rainy season forever either.

Yes, the rain is necessary, but it’s not permanent. That’s why it’s called a season. It’s temporary. It cycles through. But while it’s here, may we be reminded of the life that this rain is giving to all that God has in store for us, even when the harvest is still yet to come.