Spiritual Disciplines

Stress is an inevitable part of life. When we find ourselves in stressful situations, particularly like the ones we’re experiencing now across our nation, God wants us to come to the place where we learn to handle stress in a healthy way. Of all the ways we can deal with stress, both good and bad, I believe the best way to handle stress is to practice the right disciplines

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The Power Of Your Words

The next time you go to say something to someone, take a second to think. The words you’re about to say, do they have they potential to kill? Or are they life-giving words? Better yet, think about it this way. Would you want someone to say to you what you’re thinking about saying to them?

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10 Verses If You're Feeling Frustrated

Today, I want to give you a list of 10 verses to help you, encourage you, and give you hope if you’re feeling frustrated. I know the start of my week has been nothing short of frustrating (having your car break down will do that), and I’m sure you’re dealing with your own set of frustrations as well. So I hope that these verses will speak to you and that as you read them, you’ll experience the peace, hope, love, and comfort that is to be found in the promises of God.

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Give Thanks In All Circumstances

What are some things you’re grateful for in your life right now? Are you grateful for having a job that you enjoy? Are you grateful for your friendships? Are you grateful that fall weather is finally almost here? (That’s me!) These are the things about our life that are easy to thank God for. But what about the parts of our lives that don’t foster gratitude so easily? What about when we feel like we’re stuck in a season of waiting and we don’t know where God is leading us next? What about when we are dealing with the aftermath of rejection? Or what about when we’re feeling lonely?

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Check On Your People

A couple of days ago, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. After the post went live, I received quite a few messages of people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got on Tuesday.

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Encouragement For The One Who's Stressed Out

Later tonight, I have a phone call scheduled with my best friend, Melanie. (Yes we schedule our phone calls. They normally last 2-3 hours so it’s worth blocking out the calendar. Don’t judge us.) This is a phone call I’ve been looking forward to for a week now, especially since the last few days have been pretty stress-filled.

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Never Stop Trying

It was one of the worst games I’ve ever played. It felt like I couldn’t hit the ocean with a beach ball. And as I added another failed shot attempt to my stat sheet, my mom - who normally was super loud and supportive - just put her face in her hands. We joke about this game now, and she’ll tell me “Kristen, all I kept thinking was ‘Stop shooting and pass the ball!’” But I never stopped shooting. I kept trying. And even though I had missed several shots throughout the game, I finally hit my stride in the fourth quarter and ended the night with 18 points.

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