Posts tagged giving up
Why You Should Persevere When You’d Rather Quit

I have a love-hate relationship with assembling furniture. It always takes longer than you think it will. The instructions always seem to have 800 steps. And I get irritated enough to start lecturing the furniture at least once per piece. But I love the feeling when I finish putting it together and get to experience the finished product in all its glory. Knowing all of this, I tried to mentally prepare myself to assemble my new bookcases, but when the time came to put them together, it ended up being a much more frustrating afternoon than I expected.

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Never Stop Trying

It was one of the worst games I’ve ever played. It felt like I couldn’t hit the ocean with a beach ball. And as I added another failed shot attempt to my stat sheet, my mom - who normally was super loud and supportive - just put her face in her hands. We joke about this game now, and she’ll tell me “Kristen, all I kept thinking was ‘Stop shooting and pass the ball!’” But I never stopped shooting. I kept trying. And even though I had missed several shots throughout the game, I finally hit my stride in the fourth quarter and ended the night with 18 points.

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Never Stop Trying

It was one of the worst games I’ve ever played. It felt like I couldn’t hit the ocean with a beach ball. And as I added another failed shot attempt to my stat sheet, my mom - who normally was super loud and supportive - just put her face in her hands. We joke about this game now, and she’ll tell me “Kristen, all I kept thinking was ‘Stop shooting and pass the ball!’” But I never stopped shooting. I kept trying. And even though I had missed several shots throughout the game, I finally hit my stride in the fourth quarter and ended the night with 18 points.

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