Posts tagged belief
Keep Praying Anyway

I need to be honest with you about something…Prayer has been really tough for me over the past year. In a way, I feel ashamed to admit that because I feel like if I’m going to struggle with something, prayer shouldn’t be that thing. You’d think talking to God would always be one of the easiest things about being a Christian. And while a lot of times that’s true, there are also times when it’s super tough to pray.

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Keep Praying Anyway

I need to be honest with you about something…Prayer has been really tough for me recently. In a way, I feel ashamed to admit that because I feel like if I’m going to struggle with something, prayer shouldn’t be that thing. You’d think talking to God would always be one of the easiest things about being a Christian. And while a lot of times that’s true, there are times when it’s super difficult to pray.

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Choosing To Believe

I know you want to know the reason why your life doesn’t look the way you thought it would. I know you want to understand the purpose behind all of the confusion and disappointment and waiting. And I know you think that if you can just figure out what the reason is, then endurance and perseverance get a little easier. You can push through. You can hold on, if you can just get some clarity around why things have to be this way.

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