When Life Changes, Jesus Remains The Same

Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? It’s like one day you’re just going about your business and the next it seems like everything that once felt certain gets flipped on its head. A great relationship ends unexpectedly. A new opportunity falls in your lap. The chance to pursue a dream comes, but not without some sacrifices.

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Do You Need To Change Your Environment?

Lately I’ve been trying to go on a walk every single day in an attempt to get my steps in. Working a desk job from home doesn’t exaclty require a lot of movement. So the daily walks help me be a little more active. Now, if you don’t already know this, I live in Northern Kentucky. And when I say northern, I mean it. We are only about 20 minutes from the Ohio state line, so we’re at the tip top of the state. And in the past two years of moving here I’ve learned the weather can be very fickle, which has made my daily walks quite interesting.

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Following Jesus Means Living Differently

A few weeks ago when I was at church camp with our youth group, the pastor made a statement during one of his evening messages that really stuck with me. He said: If Jesus and I disagree, I am always wrong. My first thought was, “Well duh. Of course Jesus is always right.” But then there was this little ping of conviction in my heart, and a second thought came to my mind, “Jesus may always be right, but I don’t always act like I believe that.”

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Surprises From God

Imagine that someone who loves you, knows you super well, and is an excellent planner put together an amazing day for your birthday - your favorite meals, your favorite activities, your favorite people, etc. They planned the absolute perfect birthday for you. Wouldn’t you be excited? And wouldn’t you trust that person because of how well they know you and how much they love you? Of course you would! So then let me ask you this: Why do you doubt God when He loves you more than anyone, He knows you better than anyone else, and He has plans more perfect and custom fit for you than anything anyone else could ever put together?

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Looking For The Right Person vs. Becoming The Right Person

I made my first “future husband list” when I was a junior in high school. I was on my way to my first college tour, and I got into a conversation with my parents about the possibility of meeting my future husband once I was in college. And after that conversation was over, I figured I should probably start seriously thinking about the qualities I was looking for in the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

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