10 Verses For When You’re Wondering If God Is Going To Come Through

As I’m writing this, Kevin and I are in the car on our way to Kentucky. It’s raining, the sky dark enough to make you think the sun has already gone down, even though I know it hasn’t. We’re about 45 minutes from our hotel, and I’ve been praying the same prayer silently in my head over and over throughout the entire seven-and-a-half-hour drive…Lord, please let us find a house this weekend.

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Letting Go Of Control

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was to sit in my dad’s lap and drive our car up the driveway. Anytime we would get a minute or two out from arriving home, I would perk up and ask, “Dad, can I drive?” And so many times, my sweet dad would say yes, put the car in park at the end of the driveway, and let me take the wheel.

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When Life Changes, Jesus Remains The Same

Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? It’s like one day you’re just going about your business and the next it seems like everything that once felt certain gets flipped on its head. A great relationship ends unexpectedly. A new opportunity falls in your lap. The chance to pursue a dream comes, but not without some sacrifices.

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Do You Practice What You Preach?

One thing I absolutely love about my fiancé, Kevin, is the way he worships. He is so wide open with the way he worships the Lord, never afraid to raise His hands, dance around with the students at his youth group, or sing at the top of his lungs. You can just tell by watching him that worshipping God is something he loves to do, and it’s a major way that he connects with the Lord.

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