Are You Listening To God?

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who could only seem to talk about themselves? They tell you about the unending busyness with their job, the ups and downs of their relationship with their significant other, and the recent conflict they had with a friend. They might even take the time to ask for your help or your advice, but then they don’t stop talking long enough for you to actually answer them.

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What Are You Rushing Into?

Waiting is not fun, and it gets more and more difficult the longer you have to do it. When that impatience kicks in, we are so quick to jump the gun, like Brett said, and settle for a lesser version of whatever it is that we’re waiting for. But that’s typically when regret happens. I can tell you for a fact that if I had bought one of the pairs of shoes I sent to my brother at first, I would have regretted it because the shoes I ended up buying were so much better than anything I was initially considering.

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Why You Should Write Down Your Prayers

From that very first page, all the way to the back cover, I asked God to give me patience over and over again. And as I continued writing out my prayers, no matter how big or small my circumstances seemed, I wrote about them, asking for wisdom and guidance and grace and understanding and…you guessed it…more patience.

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