Are You Listening To God?

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” – Psalm 25:4-5

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who could only seem to talk about themselves? They tell you about the unending busyness with their job, the ups and downs of their relationship with their significant other, and the recent conflict they had with a friend. They might even take the time to ask for your help or your advice, but then they don’t stop talking long enough for you to actually answer them.

It’s frustrating trying to talk to people like that, isn’t it? Well, let me ask you a question. How many times have you had conversations like that with God? You’ve told Him every detail of every problem and issue you were dealing with at the time. You asked Him for guidance and direction, but then you never actually took the time to listen for Him to answer you. I know I’ve been guilty of doing that multiple times. 

But we have to understand that prayer is just as much listening to God as it is speaking to God. 

Any successful relationship embodies two-way communication. If one person only talks and never listens, the relationship will cease to grow and thrive. Our relationship with the Lord is no exception. We must be just as intentional about listening to God as we are about speaking to Him. He wants to communicate with us. He wants to speak to us through the Holy Spirit within us.

I would challenge you today to start setting aside time to speak to and listen to your Heavenly Father. Present your questions, your struggles, and your requests to Him, and then be still and listen for Him to give you guidance, encouragement, and wisdom. Ask Him to speak to you clearly, and then to confirm what He’s putting on your heart with His Word. If you do, He will be faithful in answering you.