Does God Really Care About Every Aspect Of My Life?

Something I learned early on in my walk with the Lord is that there is nothing too insignificant to pray about. We can talk to God about literally anything and everything. He wants to hear it all, and He wants to help us with it all. His Word makes this very clear in Paul’s letter to the Philippians when he said, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6, NLT).

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How To Renew Your Faith

Think about when you first accepted Christ. Most likely at the very beginning, you had a childlike faith. You may have actually been a child when you accepted Christ. But even if you weren’t and you accepted Christ later in life, you were still so heavily reliant on your Heavenly Father because following Jesus was so new to you. You had a wonder about you when it came to your faith, an excitement surrounding the time you spent with God.

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The Beauty Of Backroads

There are verses in the Bible you’ve read several, maybe even hundreds of times, right? There are verses or stories you’ve been taught since you were a little kid, and you can might even be able to quote several of them from memory. But as you grow up, physically and spiritually, and you come across these verses, you will start to notice something new about them. The words will hit home a little differently than they have in the past. You’ll see these passages in a new light because you’re reading them under different circumstances.

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Fulfilling Your God-Given Role

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from playing and coaching sports over the years is the importance of fulfilling your role on a team. Take a basketball team for example. All five players on the court play a different position, and within their position, they each use their unique skillset to help the team succeed. Some players are really good at shooting three-pointers. Some are good at driving to the basket. Others are really good at playing defense and rebounding. Everyone has their strengths.

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A Time, A Place, And A Plan

Let’s be honest with each other for a minute. Sometimes it’s hard to carve out intentional time to spend with the Lord. When we’re juggling what seems like a million responsibilities and trying to keep up with all that’s on our calendars, we can find ourselves looking back on the last week and realizing we’ve spent very little quality time with Jesus.

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