Posts tagged marriage
To The Girl Whose Plans Are Different Than God's Plans

I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was my first “big-girl job” — I wasn’t working at an ice cream shop anymore. I was the marketing assistant for a small business located down the road from where I was going to college. But I wasn’t just the marketing assistant. I was also the office custodian, which is absolutely hilarious if you know me personally. I hate cleaning. I hate it with a passion, and yet it had somehow become part of my job description. I was suddenly starting to miss the ice cream shop.

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4 Tips For Navigating Long Distance Friendships

For this week’s post, I have a very special treat for you! My best friend of 14 years, Melanie Hobson, is dropping in as a guest writer, and I couldn’t be more excited! Not only is Melanie my closest friend, she is also one of the godliest, wisest, and most wonderful people I know. My growth as a follower of Christ, as a friend, and as a human being in general has been impacted so much by her influence. So I wanted her to have the opportunity to influence and encourage you just like she so often does for me! I hope you enjoy her post as she talks through 4 tips for navigating long distance friendships. Enjoy! 

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Looking Back On 2018: Seeing The Purpose In Your Pain

As the end of the year approaches, many of us are starting to map out our goals, dreams, and expectations for 2019. Knowing January is just around the corner instills so much hope and excitement for what’s to come. But before all of the planning and prepping begins, I like to take some time and meditate on everything that’s happened over the past 12 months. December has become a month of reflection for me. And this year, more so than years past, there’s a lot to think about.

I started this year by hearing “no” about a job I had interviewed for as I attempted to pursue a career change. Another “no” came in March, and then another in April, and another in June. In February, my little sister experienced a ruptured brain aneurysm, leaving us all wondering if she was going to make it. Then a few weeks later, I was the maid of honor in a friend’s wedding, and while that was so fun, I once again wrestled with the doubting voice in my head that kept saying, “Is it ever going to be my turn?”

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Character Lasts, Good Looks Don't

Have you ever been sitting in a Starbucks when a guy walks in and you think, “Dang I want my husband to look like that”? Or maybe you were scrolling through Instagram and saw a guy who was your type down to the green specks in his eyes and the type of shoes he was wearing. You start making mental notes or you add to your “list” more and more physical attributes you’d like for your husband to have. Brown/blonde hair, blue eyes, a pretty smile, at least 6’2, and an athletic build were just a few that showed up on my list the first time I wrote it out. (Don’t judge me.)

It’s funny for me to look back on that version of my list now and see how detailed I was about what I wanted my husband to look like. I wrote down things about his height, his hair color, whether or not he had tattoos, even the way he dressed. But over the past few years, my list has had several updated drafts. And in all the ways my list has changed, it’s shifted the most in regards to my standards on appearance. Because if I’ve learned anything about dating and relationships, it’s that there’s more to a person than how they look. 

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Bloom Where You're Planted - A Guide To Creating Your Seasonal Bucket List

The whole point in making this list is to take advantage of where you are at this point in your life, instead of waiting around and thinking your life won’t start until you get to the next season. 

Thinking about your life through this lens is an absolute game changer. Everyone and everything around us tries so hard to convince us that life is better once you get to the next stage or the next event or the next milestone. Being content where you are isn’t exactly the most marketable lifestyle in our culture. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be content, or even excited about where we are. 

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Is Waiting Really Worth It?

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who enjoys waiting. In fact, if you’re reading this and you actually like to wait, please be my friend and teach me your ways.

I personally hate waiting. It’s uncomfortable. It’s confusing. It’s aggravating. And it often seems pointless at the time. It doesn’t matter if it’s something as simple as waiting for coffee in the Starbucks drive-thru or something as important as marriage, waiting sucks.

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