Posts tagged purpose
What I Wish Someone Would Have Said To Me About My Singleness

I tossed and turned last night for hours thinking about writing this post. I didn't want Valentine's week to pass without giving you some sort of encouragement or hope in regards to what this week represents. But I also didn't want this to be just another article about surviving Valentine's Day being single. So last night as I was thinking and praying about what I was going to write, I came across a quote from one of my favorite bloggers. She said, "Be who you needed when you were younger." It was such a simple statement, but so profound at the same time. If we all took this advice, I truly believe the people coming up behind us would be a whole lot better off. They would feel encouraged where we felt discouraged. They would feel excited where we felt nervous. And they would feel hopeful where we felt hopeless.

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Looking Back On 2018: Seeing The Purpose In Your Pain

As the end of the year approaches, many of us are starting to map out our goals, dreams, and expectations for 2019. Knowing January is just around the corner instills so much hope and excitement for what’s to come. But before all of the planning and prepping begins, I like to take some time and meditate on everything that’s happened over the past 12 months. December has become a month of reflection for me. And this year, more so than years past, there’s a lot to think about.

I started this year by hearing “no” about a job I had interviewed for as I attempted to pursue a career change. Another “no” came in March, and then another in April, and another in June. In February, my little sister experienced a ruptured brain aneurysm, leaving us all wondering if she was going to make it. Then a few weeks later, I was the maid of honor in a friend’s wedding, and while that was so fun, I once again wrestled with the doubting voice in my head that kept saying, “Is it ever going to be my turn?”

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What Kind Of Legacy Do You Want To Leave?

I refuse to believe that I was put on this earth to just focus on myself and what I want to do and where I want to go and what I want to obtain. Jesus didn’t live that way. Mrs. Layne didn’t live that way. And I don’t want to live that way either. 

Jesus’ entire life on earth was dedicated to ministering to other people and preparing the way for them to have a relationship with their Heavenly Father. He didn’t spend His time being selfish or self-focused, but rather He spent his days looking for ways to care for the people around Him. And if we are going to call ourselves followers of Christ, shouldn’t we have the same mentality about our own lives?

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