Posts tagged calling
To The Girl Who's Questioning Her Calling

I do realize that it’s not always easy to follow the calling God has given you. Maybe you feel like your calling isn’t practical and that it’s too farfetched. Maybe you feel like you're not as equipped as you could be to pursue your calling. Or maybe you think you just don’t have enough time with everything else you have going on. If any of those hesitations are going through your mind, let me ask you a question. Do you want to get to the end of your life and realize you never pursued the calling God gave you because you were afraid, worried, and insecure? Or even worse, do you want to realize you didn’t go after your calling because someone else talked you out of it? 

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What Kind Of Legacy Do You Want To Leave?

I refuse to believe that I was put on this earth to just focus on myself and what I want to do and where I want to go and what I want to obtain. Jesus didn’t live that way. Mrs. Layne didn’t live that way. And I don’t want to live that way either. 

Jesus’ entire life on earth was dedicated to ministering to other people and preparing the way for them to have a relationship with their Heavenly Father. He didn’t spend His time being selfish or self-focused, but rather He spent his days looking for ways to care for the people around Him. And if we are going to call ourselves followers of Christ, shouldn’t we have the same mentality about our own lives?

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Is Your Comfort Zone Really That Comfortable?

I feel like a lot of times, being comfortable goes hand-in-hand with being stagnant. We get settled into where we are, and we don’t want to move because we don’t like change. We get stuck in a rut, living day-to-day without a bigger picture in mind. We stop dreaming. We stop chasing the things we really want because we’re scared they will be difficult or frustrating or disappointing…or dare I say uncomfortable. 

But let me ask you something. If God is calling you to do something big, would you say “no thanks” because you didn’t want to lose your comfort and stability? A lot of us would like to say we wouldn’t, but in reality, a lot of us have avoided (or are currently avoiding) God’s call on our lives for fear of the unknown. 

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When Did Our Phones Become More Important Than Our Friends?

A couple weeks ago, I was sitting in traffic on my way from homework (yay for living in Atlanta). I was just minding my own business, enjoying my jam session to Taylor Swift, when I looked to my right and noticed something.  

There was a couple, seemingly married, sitting at a table outside a local restaurant. The weather was great, making it perfect for an evening out. Their dog was chilling out underneath the table as they casually sipped on some sweet tea. It looked like the picture perfect date night. Except for one thing...

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