Posts tagged social media
Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover, Or A Person By Her Cover Photo

Picture this. It was the beginning of my final semester of college. I had landed an internship at a large non-profit in Atlanta, and because the other intern on my team had left, I had landed my own office. That’s right. A 10x10 room with my own desk and a wonderful view of the parking lot. I know it might not sound that glamorous to you, but it was a very big deal to me. In my mind, I had arrived. 

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When Did Our Phones Become More Important Than Our Friends?

A couple weeks ago, I was sitting in traffic on my way from homework (yay for living in Atlanta). I was just minding my own business, enjoying my jam session to Taylor Swift, when I looked to my right and noticed something.  

There was a couple, seemingly married, sitting at a table outside a local restaurant. The weather was great, making it perfect for an evening out. Their dog was chilling out underneath the table as they casually sipped on some sweet tea. It looked like the picture perfect date night. Except for one thing...

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