Posts tagged seasons
To The Girl Who's Having A Tough Time

If I were to ask you, “What is something you’re struggling with right now?” how would you answer that question? Would you say you’re struggling with comparing yourself to the girl in your sorority who seems to have it all together?Would you say you’re struggling with navigating a difficult relationship with a family member? Would you say you’re struggling with feeling like a failure because you’re about to graduate and you have no idea what your next steps are?Would you say you’re struggling with being content in your singleness while watching your friends get engaged?Would you say you’re struggling with dealing with pain that’s affecting your physical or mental health?

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Bloom Where You're Planted - A Guide To Creating Your Seasonal Bucket List

The whole point in making this list is to take advantage of where you are at this point in your life, instead of waiting around and thinking your life won’t start until you get to the next season. 

Thinking about your life through this lens is an absolute game changer. Everyone and everything around us tries so hard to convince us that life is better once you get to the next stage or the next event or the next milestone. Being content where you are isn’t exactly the most marketable lifestyle in our culture. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be content, or even excited about where we are. 

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3 Questions To Help You Shift Your Focus From Discouragement To Joy

Have you ever had a season in your life when you feel like God is repeating Himself to you? Like no matter where you go or what you’re doing, you keep hearing the same message or the same passage of Scripture over and over again?

I know you can't see me while you’re reading this, but I’m currently nodding my head so hard; because that’s exactly the way I feel like it’s been in my own life for the past couple of months. 

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