Can You See God's Hand In Your Life?

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guard stands watch in vain. - Psalm 127:1

Several years ago, I was talking to one of my friends about her new fiancé. She had just gotten engaged, and since I’d had a front-row seat to watch their relationship unfold, we spent the afternoon recapping God’s faithfulness and provision by bringing this amazing man into her life.

At one point in the conversation, my friend made a statement that really stuck out to me. She said, "Kristen, I can say with full confidence that there’s no way this relationship would have ever happened if the Lord’s hand hadn’t been in it.”

Since that conversation with my friend, her statement has become the basis for so many of my prayers. I want whatever happens in my life, whether it’s a friendship, a job, a move, or a ministry opportunity, to happen because the Lord’s hand is in it. Or another way I like to phrase it, I want it to be so obvious that God orchestrated each blessing, that it’s clear there’s no way the blessing would have come about otherwise.

Just like today’s key verse reminds us, unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. We don’t want to labor in vain, do we? We don’t want to push our own agenda and try to force our own plans if it means missing out on what it is God wants to build for us instead. No, we want to be on the same page as Him. We want to be working off the same blueprint, trusting that our Heavenly Father knows best and that everything He builds will far exceed any and all expectations we could ever come up with.

With that in mind, my hope is that you’ll use my friend’s statement as the basis for your prayers going forward. May you pray and ask the Lord to make it obvious that His hand is in every relationship, every blessing, and every opportunity you get to be a part of so that His plans for your life shine through.