Posts tagged disappointed
How To Believe God's Promises Even When You Don't Feel Like It

Have you ever come across pieces of encouragement when you’re hurting or disappointed, but the encouragement just wouldn’t sink in because you felt so crappy? Me too, girl. Me too. Dealing with your feelings is never easy. It can be so easy and so tempting to let our feelings overshadow what we know is true.

For instance, earlier this year I was sitting on my bed reading my Bible just a few short weeks after I went through a devastating breakup. As I sat there reading, I came across several verses that were perfectly applicable to what I was going through at that point. These bits of encouragement were exactly what I needed to hear. But instead of clinging to the promises in these verses, I was paying way more attention to my feelings.

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To The Girl With The Broken Heart

Getting your heart broken can feel like you got the wind knocked out of you, like a sudden blow you didn’t see coming that instantly makes you unable to catch your breath. Initially, the impact of heartbreak is disorienting and confusing. You start asking yourself questions like, “How did this happen?”, “What did I do to deserve this?”, and my very favorite “What am I going to do now?” You question your worth. You question your identity, and you question your future, realizing your life just changed in a matter of minutes and you never saw it coming.

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To The Girl Who Feels Like God Let Her Down

I don’t like talking about my mistakes or my doubts or my insecurities. When I do talk about those things though, I want everything to have a nice red bow tied around it. I want to prove to everyone (including myself) that everything works out eventually and that it’s all going to be okay. I like talking about how I’ve overcome the mistakes, the doubts, and the insecurities, but that means I’m only talking about them after the fact. I never talk about my mess in the middle of the mess. 

So I’m about to change that. 

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Why Does It Feel Like God Is Keeping Me From Something Good?

How many times have you wanted something, and wanted it NOW? You just couldn’t understand what was taking God so long? Why did he seem to be taking His sweet time preparing the thing you were asking for? If you’ve ever had any of those thoughts, I want you to know you’re not alone. I would need way more than two hands to count the number of times I’ve asked these questions myself.

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