Posts tagged cars
To The Girl Feeling Tempted To Settle

Waiting sucks.

But I don’t have to tell you that. I feel like that statement is just a universal truth. We don’t like waiting for anything, especially when it’s something we really, really want. We would just prefer for God to move at the same speed as a fast food drive-thru. Better yet, if He could go as fast as the Jimmy John’s delivery guys, that would be ideal.

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26 Things I Learned Before Turning 26

Yesterday, I turned 26. 

Wow - writing that down makes it feel very real. Although, the lady at Chick-fil-A yesterday told me I look like I’m still in high school…so I guess that means I’m aging well? Either way, I’m now closer to 30 than 20. What a terrifying and exciting reality all rolled into one! 

I’ve learned a lot in my twenties so far. In fact, I’ve learned a lot in life so far. So with that in mind, I thought I would follow Taylor Swift’s lead and make a list of 26 things I learned before turning 26. Here we go.

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