The Struggle With Contentment

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. - Philippians 4:11-12

If we’re being honest, the word “contentment" is every single girl’s least favorite word in the English language. If we had a dollar for every time someone told us to just be content in the Lord and then our husband would come, we could probably retire comfortably to Bora-Bora by the time our 35th birthday came around.

But regardless of how frustrating of a topic it can be, I wanted talk about contentment today because I've realized recently how easy it is to make it look like we are content, when in reality we’re just ignoring our discontentment. In today’s society, where busyness is a badge of honor, it is so easy to mask a discontented spirit with the distractions of day to day life. The thought of being still and acknowledging our current reality sounds a lot less appealing when we can just push it to the side and do other things. But I think we are really missing something if we aren’t okay with sitting in our current state.

This is something I really struggled with when I was going through a season a few years ago where several of my friends were getting engaged and married. I immersed myself in being a bridesmaid - helping in whatever way I could, attending showers and parties, going dress and decor shopping, all the things. I didn’t want to slow down long enough to acknowledge the fact that I was hurt and disappointed that my friends were all getting something I really wanted. I was discontent, but I didn’t want to face my discontentment.

I realize now that facing discontentment is absolutely necessary if we want to find true contentment. Because when we take the time to understand why we are discontent, we will realize that for so long we have been trying to find contentment in things that will never fully satisfy us.

Now don’t get me wrong. I totally understand how difficult it can be to find contentment in a less than ideal season, but we have to remember that our contentment is to be found in Christ, not our circumstances. He is where we find our hope, our joy, and our peace. If we look for those things anywhere else, we will inevitably be disappointed. Trust me. I know. I've tried.

So my encouragement to you is this: as you strive to be content in your current circumstances, start by showing gratitude for what’s right in front of you. With an attitude of thankfulness, you can find rest and comfort in your Heavenly Father. You can be confident in who He created you to be, and in where He has you right now at this point in your life. You can find peace in the midst of circumstances and situations you didn’t ask for. And when you do that, you’ll begin to experience the contentment you’ve been looking for.