Focus On The Giver More Than The Gift

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

I recently heard the story of a father who would play a game with his children.* He would fill his hands with money, while his kids tried to open his first to get what was inside. According to the rules, once a finger was open, it couldn’t be closed again. The children worked and worked, focused on getting what was in his hand. And when they finally got his hand open, they’d reach for what he was holding, but then they’d push away his hand. 

It dawned on me after hearing that story that sometimes, that’s exactly how we approach God when we pray. We are solely concerned about receiving what He’s holding without regard for God Himself. 

Does this sound familiar? “Lord, I need a passing grade. Can you help me get an A on this test?” or “Lord, I’d like a new car. Can you give me a raise this year?” or “Lord, I’m tired of being by myself. Can you bring me a man?”

We pray only for what’s in His hand, but we push the hand away. But we must realize that there’s something more important than what’s in God’s hand, and that’s God’s hand itself. Jesus says that’s what our prayer should be about. When we pray, our requests should be subjected to God’s purpose. Our desires should be submitted to God’s plan. Our hopes should be secondary to His will. Jesus put it this way, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). 

Prayer is an invitation to reevaluate our agendas, an invitation to assess our desires. Through prayer, we are invited to participate in what God is doing, and to know Him more deeply, not just take what He gives us and walk away. 

*This story came from No Limits Ministries.