Ask For More Of God

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. - Matthew 6:6

I was reading back through one of my journals this morning, and as I was, I came across a prayer. It was a prayer I heard Lysa TerKeurst pray on a podcast she appeared on as a guest. And I remember loving the prayer so much when I heard for the first time that I set an alarm on my phone to go back and write it down when I got out of the car.

I think this prayer does a beautiful job of getting your heart in the right place for the day, ready to receive whatever it is God has for you. But what I love about it most is that the first few sentences of the prayer are focused on asking for more of God. She’s not asking for answers from God. She’s not asking for clarity. She’s not asking for direction. She’s not asking for guidance. She’s asking for her Father — to see Him, to hear Him, to know Him. And I think that’s an incredible way for all of us to start off not just our days, but each of our prayers.

So, I would encourage you to not just read through the prayer below, but to offer it back to God so that you might ask for more of Him. As you do, I pray He reveals more of His character to you and makes His presence known to you today.

God, I want to see you. God, I want to hear you. God, I want to know you. God, I want to follow hard after you. And I acknowledge that you see the bigger picture in everything.

And so I am standing in this moment saying, God, you are good. You are good to me, and you are good at being God. Therefore, I don’t have to carry the weight of this day. All I have to do is be obedient. Your job is everything else. So I trade my will for thy will, because I’m so confident you will, God.

Now today, will you please help me see someone I need to forgive, someone I need to bless, and evidence all around me of your faithfulness and goodness? Amen.