Time To Breathe

Hi friends!

I hope you’re all enjoying this Christmas season and gearing up for all the celebrations that are just around the corner (or have already begun in some cases).

I wanted to give you a quick update and let you know that I’m going to be taking a two-week break from writing my weekly devotions. As I’m closing out this year, I am trying to do what I can to carve out time wherever possible to rest, recharge, and refuel before the busyness of the new year sets in.

So, if you do not see my name in your inbox over the next couple of weeks, don’t worry. Nothing’s wrong with your email. I’m just taking a little breather. And I will be back on schedule starting Monday, January 8th.

In the meantime, if you’re wanting something to read, you can scroll through the archives of my daily devotions at kristenalexiscave.com/daily-devotion.

Finally, I pray that you, too, can carve out some time to rest and recharge over the next couple of weeks. And I hope you enjoy what’s left of this year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Love yall! And Merry Christmas!


Kristen Cave