Posts tagged uniqueness
To The Girl Trying To Be Like Everyone Else

It happens a lot when I read books, blog posts, or instagram captions written by my favorite authors. I take in each word with so much wonder and admiration a little bit of envy sprinkled in. I think, “Wow, if I can just write like her, I’ll be good.” And so I try. I’ve tried changing my voice and my style, making the necessary adjustments so I sound like whoever I’m trying to mimic. But by the end of whatever I’ve written, I read back through the paragraphs and think, “This doesn’t sound like me.”

It’s the same feeling you get when you try on a piece of clothing in a store that doesn’t really match your style. Sure, it might be cute, and it might be trendy, but it’s not you. But you think if you wear it, people will notice you. People will like you. And people will admire you.

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There Is Beauty In Your Uniqueness

Does anyone else find it hard to believe that we are almost a third of the way through 2018? Time just seems to be flying. Summer is just around the corner and I can’t wait. That may be due to the fact that here in Georgia we aren’t really experiencing spring, but more of a never-ending peek-a-boo winter that makes it impossible to pick out an outfit in the morning. (If you live in the south, you know exactly what I’m talking about.) But I digress. 

As I think back over the first third of the year and its highs and lows, one of the things that comes to mind was my New Year’s Resolution. And by that I mean, I can’t even remember what it was. (#NewYearSameMe) Meanwhile, as I was trying to ignore my lack of ability to stick with my New Year’s goals, one of my friends and her resolution last year came to mind, and I really wanted to share it with you. 

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