What Can You Be Thankful For?

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

In the spirit of this wonderful holiday, today’s devotion is going to be a little different. While there have been a lot of great moments this year, I know we’ve all faced our fair share of tough moments as well. And I realize that it can be difficult in the midst of tough circumstances to find things to be thankful for. But I have no doubt that if we take the time to really think hard and reflect back on this year, we can find the blessings hidden beneath the struggle.

So with that in mind, I’d love for you to take some time to think about these questions in hopes of identifying some of the things you can be thankful for that came along this year.

  1. What is one prayer, big or small, that God answered for you this year?

  2. What happened this year that didn’t go the way you planned, but that you’ve seen God work out for your good?

  3. Who is one person you've developed or strengthened a relationship/friendship with this year?

  4. What is one conversation you had this year that you’re grateful you were a part of?

  5. What is one lesson you’ve learned this year that you’ll never forget?

My prayer is that by answering these questions, you’ll be able to pinpoint just a few of the things God has given you this year that you can be grateful for, and that even in the midst of difficult circumstances, you can have a spirit of joy, contentment, and thankfulness.