Posts tagged sabbath
How To Have A Thriving Relationship With Jesus

I discovered the miraculous effects of a good skincare routine about five years ago. (Rabbit trails on YouTube will do that to you.) Before I knew it, I was headed to the store to buy cleansers, toners, serums, exfoliants, moisturizers, and even under-eye cream (because wrinkles in your twenties are something no one warned me about).

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Don't Skip Sabbath

If I'm being honest, I've been really bad at resting recently. I've been going from one project to another without little time in between to take a breath. So I was grateful for the reminder to rest, because I needed it. However, I simultaneously panicked a little because like I said, I had so much to do. And I wasn't sure how in the world I was going to be able to get all of it done if I didn't do any work on Sunday. But I knew I needed to obey. I needed to listen. And I needed to rest.

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Remember To Rest

Just like the interstate has rest stops for you (and your car) to rest and refuel, life has rest stops too. There are times in our life where we need to take the opportunity to rest - whether that means taking a vacation or just taking a day off - even when we’re tempted to keep going.

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