How To Have A Thriving Relationship With Jesus

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. – 1 Corinthians 15:58

I discovered the miraculous effects of a good skincare routine about five years ago. (Rabbit trails on YouTube will do that to you.) Before I knew it, I was headed to the store to buy cleansers, toners, serums, exfoliants, moisturizers, and even under-eye cream (because wrinkles in your twenties are something no one warned me about). 

Once I was equipped with all of the necessary products, I developed a regimented morning skincare routine and nighttime skincare routine. All the beauty bloggers said it was important to use certain products in the morning and others at night for the best results. So I followed their instructions. 

As time has passed, I’ve made slight adjustments to my skincare routine, but overall, the bones have remained the same. And the routine has proven to be very effective in keeping my skin hydrated, healthy, and clear. If I stay consistent with using the products, my skin looks better and better every day.

However, the opposite has also proven true. If I get out of the habit of going through my skincare routine, I can tell a difference. Don’t get me wrong, I still take my makeup off every night and I wash my face every time I get in the shower. But there are times I skip out on going through the whole routine and therefore deprive my skin of all of the extra care it needs. 

When I get lazy with my skincare, my skin gets dry in patches. It has more of a red undertone. Pimples pop up here and there. It’s one problem after another. But then if I reset and get back into the groove with my skincare, my skin improves.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like my relationship with God is a lot like my skincare routine. When I’m consistent in practicing my spiritual disciplines (praying, Bible reading, Scripture memorization, fellowshipping, journaling, etc.), my relationship with God is thriving and my life is better for it. I’m more at peace. I experience more joy and comfort. I’m more patient with the people around me. I’m more in tune with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I’m more apt to offer encouragement or wisdom to someone I’m in conversation with. There are so many benefits that come when I’m on track in my relationship with Jesus. 

But once again, just like my skincare routine, the opposite is also true. When I’m inconsistent in my relationship with the Lord, it’s apparent in all areas of my life. The fruits of the Spirit seem a lot more difficult to produce when you’re not spending time with the Father. 

And sure, just like I was still doing some of my skincare steps, it’s not like I’ll be completely disconnected from God. I’ll still pray pretty regularly. I’ll go to church on Sundays. I’ll read my Bible a couple of times a week. But I can tell it’s not the same. And it’s in these times that I miss everything that comes with a consistent, all-in relationship with the Lord. 

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever struggled with being consistent in your relationship with Jesus? It’s not a fun place to be, is it? You can tell a difference. You can see the results of your actions, or lack thereof. And you want things to go back to the way they were when you were thriving in your relationship with the Lord. 

Well friend, let me encourage you. There is hope. Things can change. And it starts with consistency. It starts with you getting back into the groove and settling back into your routine. Now, I’m not talking about a routine in the sense of just checking boxes for the sake of checking boxes. I’m talking about using structure to your advantage. Like we’ve talked about recently, you need a time, a place, and a plan for spending time with God. 

If you want to experience all of the joy, peace, comfort, wisdom, guidance, patience, and love that comes from a strong relationship with Jesus, you’re going to have to find a way to remain consistent in your spiritual disciplines. Just like any relationship, if you aren’t intentional about investing in that relationship, the relationship won’t grow. You have to talk to the person. You have to spend time with them. You have to pay attention to them consistently. The same is true with your Heavenly Father. 

To help you move forward, I’ve included a few questions below that you can ask yourself to help you evaluate where you are in your relationship with the Lord and which spiritual disciplines you might want to focus on more in the coming days. I hope these questions are helpful and I pray that as you move forward, you grow more consistent in your relationship with God and that you experience all of the amazing benefits that come when you seek Him first. 


1. Are you carving out time every single day to read and study God’s Word?

2. Do you spend time in prayer each day, thanking God for how He’s working in your life and seeking direction and guidance from Him?

3. Are you in the habit of memorizing verses or passages in Scripture?

4. Are you engaged in some sort of Christian community (small group, Bible study, etc.) that connects on a consistent basis?

5. Are you intentionally practicing Sabbath and making a point to rest for one day each week?