Posts tagged delight
Delighting In The Lord

Considering the fact that Psalm 37:4 is likely one of the most frequently quoted verses in Scripture, I heard this verse for the first time at a very young age. And to be honest, I pretty much zoned in on the “he will give you the desires of your heart” portion of the verse and gave little thought to the rest of the passage. So as I got older and experienced the pain and disappointment that came from unfulfilled desires and unmet expectations, you can imagine my frustration, because God wasn’t seeming to hold up His end of the bargain. But I had it all wrong.

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Delighting In The Lord

Considering the fact that Psalm 37:4 is likely one of the most frequently quoted verses in Scripture, I heard this verse for the first time at a very young age. And to be honest, I pretty much zoned in on the “he will give you the desires of your heart” portion of the verse and gave little thought to the rest of the passage. So as I got older and experienced the pain and disappointment that came from unfulfilled desires and unmet expectations, you can imagine my frustration, because God wasn’t seeming to hold up His end of the bargain. But I had it all wrong.

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