What Has God Changed In You?

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. – Isaiah 43:18-19

Today’s devotion is going to be a little shorter than normal, but it comes with a challenge that I really want to encourage you to take. Before I tell you that, though, let me give you a little background.

This week during our life group, we split the guys and girls up for share/prayer time like we always do. And each week, our group has a prompt to help guide us through the time. This week’s prompt was to share one thing you’ve seen God change in you in your recent past and then one thing you’d like to see Him change in you moving forward.  

So today, I’d like to challenge you to take some time to answer these two prompts for yourself. If you’re a fan of journaling, I’d encourage you to journal about it. Or if you like to process things while you do mundane tasks, then think through these prompts while you’re folding your laundry, doing the dishes, or driving home from work or school.

Regardless of when, where, or how, take some time to really reflect and think about what God has changed in you these last few months. Has He given you more patience within a frustrating relationship? Has He given you the strength to overcome a lingering temptation? Has He helped you be a better friend, a better spouse, a better sibling, a better coworker, or a better parent? How have you seen Him change you?

Then, think about one thing you’d like Him to change within you moving forward. Maybe you want Him to help you rearrange your priorities so you can spend more time with Him. Maybe you want Him to help you learn to address conflict in a healthy way instead of running from it. Or maybe you want Him to help you fully release your plans so you can more willingly surrender to His plans.

If you have trouble answering either of these prompts, pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you a change He’s already made within you or a change He’d like to make in you. I have no doubt He’ll be faithful to answer your questions.

I hope and pray this challenge is fruitful for you, and that it allows you to celebrate how far God has brought you and to also be expectant for where He wants to take you moving forward.

I’m praying for you and with you, friend.