Trust God's Viewpoint

Mount Zion rejoices, the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments. – Psalm 48:11

When we take a look at our current circumstances, it can be hard to see things from a different perspective other than our own. But as followers of Christ, we must learn to trust in God’s perspective, even when, and especially when, our perspective isn’t seeming to make much sense.

In Psalm 48:11, the Hebrew word used for “judgments” is the word “mishpat.” This word carries a number of meanings, but in this case, it is referring to God’s decisions, determinations, and plans for us. 

If we hope to have the joy and peace of God in our lives, we must surrender and submit ourselves to the judgment and the will of God. That means surrendering your entire life, every aspect of it, not just the easy things you prefer to surrender. 

If we are honest with ourselves, many of the struggles we deal with come as a result of our poor judgment and our failure to trust the wisdom and counsel of God. Good judgment is the key to fulfilling the promises of God for our lives, and that wisdom comes when we trust God’s judgment. 

Just as Solomon writes in Proverbs, God’s will is that we would trust in Him with all of our hearts instead of leaning on our own understanding. He wants us to acknowledge Him in all things so that He can direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we exercise that kind of trust, we can avoid so many let downs and disappointments.

Remember, God’s thoughts and His ways are so much higher than yours. He wants you to trust that He can see the bigger picture, even when you can’t. When times get tough, sometimes you won’t know what to do or where to go, but you can trust the One who can see what you cannot see.

As my dad always told me growing up, life is a like a parade. You can only see the float that’s passing right in front of you, but God sees the whole production. So no matter what you’re walking through today, trust in God’s point of view. He will never lead you astray.