Learn To Be Still

“Be still and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10

Finding peace and quiet in the midst of our crazy and sometimes chaotic lives can seem nearly impossible. Between school, work, church, family, friends, hobbies, and errands, it’s difficult to make time for a full eight hours of sleep, much less make time to be still while you’re awake. We tend to think that if we’re not moving or doing something, we’re not being productive. But friend, that’s just not true. Choosing to be quiet and still in the presence of our Heavenly Father is one of the best things we can do when it comes to our walk with Him. 

From the time you accepted Christ until now, you’ve probably been told on more than one occasion to have a quiet time, a time where you can intentionally grow in your relationship with the Lord. That time might consist of reading Scripture, journaling, reading a devotion, and/or praying. Those are all wonderful things, each of which we should be taking time to do daily. But when was the last time you took a few minutes to sit in the quiet and listen for the Lord? When was the last time you meditated on a passage of Scripture and asked the Spirit of God to speak to you? I promise if you are quiet long enough, you will hear Him speak to your heart. 

Think about any other relationship you have. If one person is always doing all of the talking, it’s going to be hard for that relationship to grow and mature. There should be a balance in communicating and listening, and the same goes for your relationship with the Lord. When spending time with God, you shouldn’t be the only one talking, constantly praying and asking God for things you want and need. You should also take time to listen for the Holy Spirit. 

Before Jesus left earth, He told the disciples, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will only speak what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:12-13). In other words, God sent the Holy Spirit as a way for Him to speak to you. But in order for you to hear from Him, you must be intentional about being still. 

I would encourage you, before the day is over, to find some time to be still. Even if it’s just for five minutes, sit in the quiet and enjoy the presence of your Heavenly Father. Pay attention to what He puts on your heart during this time, and ask Him to give you clarity and understanding for what He wants to show you.