How To Find Rest

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Today’s key verse is one we should all be meditating on and memorizing during this difficult time in our world. As we are being burdened by fear, worry, bad news, loneliness, change, and uncertainty, Jesus asks us to seek Him out for rest and comfort. Let’s take a closer look at four statements Jesus makes in this passage of Scripture.

1.     Come to me. If you want to experience true rest, you must draw near to the Lord. If you’re looking for comfort and peace in anything or anyone else, you will be severely disappointed. Only God can give you the rest and peace your soul is craving.

2.     Take my yoke. This is another way to say, “Let me take control.” Instead of us trying to control our circumstances, our situations, and our schedules, let’s surrender control over to Jesus. In fact, He is the only one who truly has control over everything, so why not follow His lead instead of facing the disappointment comes when we finally realize we can’t control anything? 

3.     Learn from me. Many of us have a lot of extra time at home right now. This would be a great time for you to get into Scripture and read about Jesus and the example He set for us. We can learn so much from Him about how He handled fear, stress, and uncertainty just by reading about His life. 

4.     Find rest for your souls. When you take the initiative to do the other three things in this list, drawing near to the Lord, letting Him take control, and learning from His example, then you will find true rest. 

So let me ask you, are you following the list above to find rest? Are you spending time in the Lord’s presence each day? Are you coming to Him with open hands, surrendering control rather than fighting to keep it? And are you reading His Word and learning from the example He set for us during His time on earth?

If not, I would encourage you to start doing each of these things every day. We all need rest, peace, and comfort right now, so why not do what Jesus commands us to do in order to find and experience those things?