Access Denied

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. - Isaiah 64:4

A while back, I was listening to a sermon by Michael Todd when he made this statement, “Our God is the God of access granted and access denied.” It was such a simple sentence, but it hit me hard, because I’ve lived through multiple circumstances where I so badly wanted something to work out, only to have my access to that desire denied. Through these seasons, I’ve learned how there’s nothing I can do in my power to open a door that’s supposed to stay closed, or to close a door that’s supposed to stay open.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a lesson I learned from someone telling me about it in Bible study. This is something I've had to learn the hard way...more than once. I’ve tried chasing after jobs that I wasn’t supposed to have. I’ve tried making relationships work that I wasn’t supposed to be in. The list goes on and on. But I’m thankful that when I kept stubbornly trying to get my way, God was gracious in shutting the doors that needed to be shut.

Looking back on those seasons now, I can see why the doors were closed. I can understand why things didn’t work out the way I was hoping they would. I can discern that there were situations that God was protecting me from. And I can see that waiting for the right door to open will be worth waiting for.

So friend, if you feel like doors keep closing on you, I get it. I know it’s discouraging and frustrating. I know how heartbreaking it is when it feels like God stamps “Access Denied” in big red letters across something you really wanted. And I know how tempting it is to throw in the towel after the fourth, fifth, or even tenth door closes in your face.

But please, please don’t give up. Don’t stay frustrated. And don’t ever think the wait isn’t worth it. God will deny you access to where He knows you don’t need to go, but He will grant you access to His very best for you. Hang in there. I promise, you’ll be glad you waited.