Posts tagged plan
In The Midst Of Your Waiting, He Is Working

January 2nd. It’s the day when your alarm clock rings a little louder and more obnoxiously than usual. The day when a single cup of coffee just won’t cut it. The day that makes you wish you were still in college and had another week to sleep in and eat an undisclosed number of calories. 

Nevertheless, I woke up on that dreaded second day of the year and prepared to face the day. (Translated: By some miracle of God, I rolled out of bed and managed to pour myself enough coffee to shock me back to life.)

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Even When Life Doesn't Make Sense, God Is Still Worth Trusting

It was about this time two years ago that I thought I had it made. I had been out of college for almost a year and was loving the post-grad life. I had an amazing group of friends that I got to hang out with all the time. The holidays were coming up, which is my favorite time of year. And on top of all of that, I had landed my dream job. 

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