Posts tagged Trust
To The Girl Who Doesn't Understand The Way God Is Working

To be honest, I had a very different idea for what this week’s blog post was going to cover. But I didn’t expect our world to be in this particular state right now (or ever), so I’m calling an audible.

I’m sure you’ve called your fair share of audibles over the last few weeks as well. Between keeping 6-feet away from other people, trying to find what you need at the grocery store, worrying about your employment status, and washing your hands 87 times a day, your life looks completely different than it did just a few weeks ago.

In times like this, it’s very easy to start asking, “What in the world is God up to?”

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To The Girl Who's Scared To Take A Leap Of Faith

Not long after I had left my job, still not knowing where God had me headed next, I had another conversation with Thea. I was trying to process everything that was happening and at the same time trying to explain how at peace I was in the midst of so much uncertainty. Once again, Thea smiled and, through tears, said, "Kristen you're jumping with both feet, just like we've been talking about for months." I started tearing up at this point, but she kept going, "You need to remember the peace and the clarity you have at this moment, because there might be days when you're scared, and it feels like you're free falling. But I truly believe God is going to honor your faith and give you a soft landing."

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