Slow Down Going Into A Curve

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. – James 1:5

When I was first learning how to drive, one of the toughest skills for me was taking curves. I would underestimate how much faster the car would seem to be traveling when I took a curve without slowing down, and I would inevitably have to hit the brakes halfway through the curve.

If you’ve been driving for any amount of time, you know this isn’t a good strategy. It’s what many would consider a rookie mistake, and it’s one I made often in my early driving days.

I wish I had kept count of the number of times my dad when he was riding in the passenger seat would say, “Kristen, slow down going into a curve and speed up coming out.” If I had a dime for every time he made that statement, I could have paid cash for my first car. The trend continued with my siblings, and it became an inside joke within our family that that phrase was one of Dad’s go-to’s when it came to giving driving advice.

Slow down going into a curve and speed up coming out.

But the more I think about that statement now, I realize that it wasn’t only good driving advice for my 15-year-old self. Honestly, I think it’s good decision-making advice no matter how old you are.

Oftentimes, when we get really excited about something, we press forward with little hesitation in pursuit of whatever it is we want. Maybe it’s a relationship, a job, a college major, a big purchase, or something else. We hit the gas and don’t look back. But is this the best way to make decisions? Is this the best mentality to have when things are about to change?

Just like it can be dangerous to take a curve too fast without hitting the breaks, some decisions can be dangerous if we don’t slow down long enough to really think about and pray about whatever it is we’re walking into. If we think we know what’s best and push forward without ever taking the time to ask God for wisdom beforehand, we could end up in a world of hurt, causing ourselves more pain, frustration, heartache, and discomfort than we ever anticipated.

On the other hand, if we are intentional about pumping the breaks, if we slow down going into the curve, we give ourselves the space to breathe and seek the Lord and His wisdom about whatever decision we need to make. His Word promises that if we ask for wisdom, the Lord will be faithful to give it to us (James 1:5). But it’s important that we actually slow down enough to ask for it.

Is there a decision you have to make that you’ve been tempted to rush into? Is there a big change coming in your life that you have yet to seek the Lord’s wisdom about? If so, my hope is that you would make the decision today to slow down going into the curve ahead. Don’t be afraid to hit the breaks, to press pause, to give yourself some breathing room so you can spend time seeking the Lord and His will.

Trust me…getting ahead of God is something you will forever regret. But if you slow down long enough to ask Him for wisdom and guidance, He will be faithful to answer your request and show you the right path to take.

Slow down going into the curve, friend. I promise you’ll be glad you did.