Setting An Example

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12

I want you to take a minute and think back to when you were in middle school. Who did you look up to? Was it your older sister or brother? Was it the effortlessly cool high school senior? Was it someone in your favorite movie or TV show? Regardless of who it was, I’m sure there was someone you were constantly looking to as an example to follow. You wanted to talk like them, look like them, dress like them, and act like them. 

But have you ever considered that you might be that person for someone else? No matter how old you are or what stage of life you’re in, there is always someone looking at you, watching how you live your life, and following your example. You may not even be aware of it. You might not even know the person super well. But they’re looking up to you, and it’s important to keep this reality at the forefront of your mind as you live your life day to day. 

You never know who is listening to the words you say, reading your Instagram captions, or paying attention to how you interact with others. That is why it is so important that we live our lives each day with the goal of becoming more like Christ. For if our motivation is to be like Him, then we will inevitably point others to the Lord through our words and our actions. 

Paul’s words to Timothy serve as a great reminder as we strive to set a good example for the people around us. He says that we shouldn’t get discouraged or discount our influence just because of our age or stage of life. Instead, we should always be looking to exemplify godliness, kindness, graciousness, and love to our fellow believers. 

So, what kind of example are you setting? Or let me ask a different question. If you knew someone a few years younger than you was looking up to you, do you think their parents would be happy or uneasy about their kid following your example? I would encourage you take the time to consider these questions and think about what other people see when they look up to you. And in doing so, my prayer is that you would go forward with the intent and the goal to point other people to Jesus by the way you live your life.