Hand It Over To God

Be still, and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10

What are you trying to control in your life right now?

Does one particular thing come to mind as you answer that question? Maybe there are several answers that pop into your head as you list out all of the things you’re trying to take control of. School, relationships, work, finances, future outcomes - I’m sure those are only a few of the broader categories that come to mind. I know that because many of those came to mind for me.

It’s funny how we fight so hard for control over our circumstances, even though in reality, we can control our circumstances about as well as we can control the weather.

I found myself feeling frustrated and helpless recently with a situation that I was fighting to control but couldn’t. I was getting so bent out of shape, venting to my friends about how stirred up this particular set of circumstances was getting me.

But then one afternoon, as I was reading a devotional by Lysa Terkeurst, she wrote something that stopped me in my tracks. She said,

“God doesn’t expect you to handle this. He just wants you to hand this over to Him.”

How’s that for a divine wakeup call?

In reading those words, I immediately felt the pressure lift off my shoulders. It wasn’t my job to take control here. It wasn’t my responsibility to figure this out on my own and frustrate myself to death other this situation. The Lord doesn’t expect that from me. He just wants me to hand it over to Him and to be still as I trust Him to handle it. And the same is true for you, friend.

So, what would it look like for you to hand over to God the thing (or things) you’ve been trying to control? What would it look like for you to stop trying to handle things on your own, and let your Heavenly Father step in on your behalf? My hope is that you’ll surrender to Him today whatever is weighing on your heart, and that you will feel the peace, comfort, and relief that comes from handing over the burden what was never yours to bear.